My kind of Music

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Night Night

PARIS, PAris, Pari...., Pa....,P....... :(

The next day i step into Paris is the day im going to be gone because The moment when i get out of that door means i will never come back and everything that i learned from Paris is going the gone and i dont want that, Thats why i need to do some stuff (If you know what i mean) to not get kicked out Paris. My goal i to read more and every time im in a coffe shop im going to make sure that i ask for the right cup of coffe all the good stuff and drink it Black cause if i put milk or sugar they would think im a Tourist cause that is what tourists do, and what other thing i can do? oh i know being on Mrs. Nelson good side cause he has a beard and i get killed by that beard, and im scared of him, so one day i will stop being a tourist and not be scared

Sunday, December 9, 2012




Stadium overcrowded by hooligans and fans
Cheering, waving flags, and clapping their hands

Players on the field, they’re ready to start
There goes the whistle; it pumps up their hearts

Adding strength to the ball, and kicking it high
The ball travels overhead, how beautiful it can fly

Over center field, and still it goes strong
Pass received with ease, and the player runs long

There he goes, for his opponent’s goal
He dribbles through each player; he’s on a roll

He takes the shot, and curves it by                     <-------------------- best part
The keeper dives for it, far and high

The goalie misses it; the ball’s in the net
There’s a moment of silence, and no regrets

The winners jump for joy, that win was a must
Opponents, heads tilt down low, they leave in disgust

A player’s life fulfilled is playing world class,
To be playing all year long on the rich green grass

Play with heart, that’s the real answer
Of how to play the true game of soccer.

I just love this poam cause is about soccer

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Mom & Child

theres nothing compare to mamas love...

Mormon Sunday Morning

Mormon 1: Wake up we are going to be late to church
Mormon 2: Noooooooo, screw you, I dont wanna get up
Mormon 1: What Would Jesus do?
Mormon 2: Shut up!!!!! dont bring Big J into this
Mormon 1: Well, do what you heart tells you to do, tell me.... what is it?
Mormon 2: ok, ok but im leaving after sacrament.
Mormon 2: There is a football game, i dont wanna miss yoooo
Mormon 1: you are going to go to HECK!!!!!!! yeah you heard me HECK
Mormon 2: WOW! easy there mister no swearing
Mormon 1: I dont swear.....
Mormon 2: ok
Mormon 1: ok? you are so annoying
Mormon 2: Come at me bro!!!!!
Mormon 1: Bring it on
Mormon 2: Lets pray about it
Mormon 1: okay lets do it....

Sunday, November 25, 2012


sunsets are pretty good and they show alot of things 
the way i see it
but of course don't mind my thoughts.
take or leave it, go for the best....


Found this on my way to the bathroom today, I guess I need to wait outside or maybe just go to another bathroom...

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Zombies are bad

I believe on zombies attacks.

how to survive a zombie attack (instructions)

    • identify the source of the zombie infestation. Are the zombies caused by magic (demonic army, cursed and blinded Knights Templar, or college kids experimenting with necromancy) or science (experimental chemicals, disease , aliens)? Although zombies generally behave the same no matter what their origin, magic-based zombies are notoriously hard to kill while science-based zombies are often infectious.
    • 2
      Choose weapons carefully. Machine guns, although very manly, are often ineffective. The best anti-zombie tactic is to separate the head from the body; even magical zombies that will not be killed by this have their effectiveness greatly reduced. Head cleaving weapons such as machetes, chain saws and Chinese pudao (or horse-cutting swords) are highly effective but require short range confrontation which is dangerous if the zombies are infectious. Shotguns are a great way to remove zombie heads, making them effective and fun to use. They are often slow to reload, which can be dangerous. Fire and explosions are great ways to destroy the walking dead, but care must be used. At least 3 major forest fires and countless house fires have been caused by the aimless flailing of the burning zombies.
    • 3
      Drive into zombies as often as possible. They will not move out of the way of oncoming traffic and rarely pay attention to traffic rules. It is best to use a taller, heavier vehicle to inflict maximum damage and minimize the occurrences of zombie corpses rolling over the hood and through the windshield. Zombies do not have any money, so it is advisable to check with the company insuring the vehicle before engaging in anti-zombie driving.
    • 4
      Avoid humanizing the fiends. Although the body may have once been used by Aunt June or a favorite pet, it is now simply a meat suit worn by evil--evil that is looking for brains to snack on and will not care about relationships the previous occupant had established. Zombies look upon humans in the same way drunken sports fans look upon nachos and hot wings.
    • 5
      Use cunning and guile to trick zombies. The main advantages of the zombie are overwhelming numbers, lack of fear and the inability to feel pain. They are rarely any smarter than brain damaged squirrels and do not move nearly as quickly. One should use their superior human intellect to devise simple traps such as luring a zombie mass (known as a flock... zombies, like sheep,travel in flocks) into a room and then simply locking it. Zombies are also easily distracted for brief periods by popular television shows and shopping malls.
    • 6
      Confront the zombies when necessary and remove head from body. Damaging limbs may slow a zombie down or reduce their overall combat effectiveness, but this tends to be a stalling tactic. Remember, zombie fighting can be a long and grueling process so try to make of game of it!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Time Lapse

I went HAM that one day just doing a video and it was freezing cold my hands couldn't even work. But I got an awesome footage and I'm glad I did it. Haters gonna hate!

Newspaper Blackout

Don't judge

Sunday, November 4, 2012


i have one and im learning how to use it. im not the worst ever but im not the best one either so dont judge me. i do my best and im trying.

Me Remember

I remember the first time we hold hands, but it really didn't meant that much to me because we were really young to know what the word love is, I remember our first kiss was really awkward but besides that it meant the world to me. it makes me sad how we don't talk anymore, I remember i talked to you about everything, now no a single word. I remember how we like to be with each other all the time now, i can even be close to you, I remember how you and me we can stare at our eyes for hours now i can even stand looking at you, I wonder what happened was that my fault? by telling you the truth or is just the way it was supposed to end? i dont know, the only thing i know is that we can live our lives now that you are not in my mind....

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

ball so hard.

one word.

back, lack, pack, rack, sack, tack, yak, black, knack, quack, slack, smack, snack, stack, track, whack, attack

all, ball, call, doll, hall, fall, tall, crawl, small, baseball, football

ate, date, fate, mate, late, gate, rate, wait, crate, great, plate, skate, slate, state, straight, trait, weight, create.

 go, hoe, low, mow, row, sew, toe, blow, crow, dough, flow, know, glow, grow, know, show, slow, snow, stow, though, throw, ago, although, below

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Direct Order

I give Direct Orders to F*** off, jk not really but seriously don't ever get in my face again I'm  telling you.

When you do something wrong and people get in your face i hate it, because i can care less if you are saying me some stuff.

Ill give direct orders to get out of my face
Direct orders to go and get lost
direct orders to go to the bathroom
direct orders to insult a asian guy and get broken
direct orders to crah
Ill give direct orders to F off
direct orders to crash


Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Brick Poem

One by one

Through the years

A wall was built

With pain and fears

Brick by brick

It was layed

On solid ground

Where it stayed

I tried to listen

As you spoke to me

Words of wisdom

And prophecy

Yet, I could not hear

Through the wall

Built with strength

As not to fall

Then one day

From the sky

I thought I heard

An angel cry

Weeping softly

Teardrops fell

Gathered from

Lifes wishing well

Two more angels

Joined her side

Hand in hand

All three cried

Thunder bellowed

Rain did fall

Tearing down

My sterdy wall

Yet, through the fog

I found my way

So, brick by brick

I build today

Duct Tape

Duct Tape might be useful for a lot of things but something it can not  be use for would be for a broken heart, i know it might sound gay but really though tell me someone that fix her/his broken heart with duct tape.

Its really easy to brake it but is really hard to put it back together because is broken in 1 million pieces and you cant find the rest of them without help. So When you are going through a rough moment don't think you are alone we are here to help you.

Anyways Duct Tape isn't as helpful as everyone would think. so dont waste it...

Friday, October 12, 2012


Death is everywhere dont fear of it, fear of the ones that aren't...


Life is beautiful i dont understand why people want to end it i mean life is something amazing and i wouldnt just end it well of course this is just my thoughts, probably someone has worst problems then me and i dont even know about them and there i am just saying to people how stupid you are and all those mean stuff. 

Till you dont see someone get hurts you are not going to understand and just keep doing all the stupid things you are and never stop but you know something your problems are bigger then you think, people are struggling.

Life is beautiful, don't just wasted...

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Marley the Bob

Peace in your heart

Dont Mind my Thoughts

I'm gonna pursuit my happiness and i know, everything that shines will be gold....
i honestly dont care what you think of me i think you are just nothing if you are trying just to hurt people by words or actions.

I think you are just scared out of your mind and of course this doesn't matter cause this are my thought coming out from my mind and yelling it out to you...

if i can just do this all the time i will be so happy but its to bad cause i cant, one of the reasons is because is seeing wrong by the society and honestly i can careless about them but i can get in trouble thats why i don't do it.

and everyone is to worry about that too, and thats totally wrong, people don't mind my thoughts....

Sunday, September 23, 2012

No fears, no YOU

They are stuff in life that you might be afraid of, thats nothing to be worry about cause we all do; have some fears.

Fears can resemble who you are or who you can became a loser in life or a successful person that likes winning and its not afraid of making  mistakes and trying every day to become the best of the best.

Or maybe you can just be the loser that you are right now and be afraid of everything, even talking to a girl you need to have confidence in you no one is gonna give it to you you are the only one that can gain it, WORK FOR IT.

So for the last time fears will define WHO YOU ARE.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Moods in Life

In life there are so many ways you can feel and so many ways someone can tell you something and make you feel sad, happy, unhappy. Like winter for me is really depressing i really don't like winter just by the fact that is super cold and its freezing cause the snow and everything but i like it for some reasons to its closer to Christmas and new years and everyone is just so happy and they feel like giving love. Summer is the best season of all by far its just really warm and an amazing way to start the year but like always, the best/good things cant last for ever.

Capture the perfect moment

one of the ways to capture the perfect moment is to take a picture of it its just really simple to do it and is going to last forever in your mind an din your head. Pictures for me are amazing how they look and just go beautiful it can be and  memories. Something beautiful of this is making people laugh and bring that natural laugh out of you and that something i enjoy doing and i will keep doing.

What Is love?

love is when someone gives something you like and you start smiling for no reason, love is a really unique felling and it makes you just want to smile, love is something really easy to built but is really easy to brake too and that is something a lot of people including me are afraid of because it hurts a lot and i don't really like to be hurt. but love is not always affection to a person love can be affection to a sport like in my case it would be soccer. I love the sport and i would play it for the rest of my life if possible, cause every time i play it i feel like no one else and its just the best felling in the world

What is love for you?

Sunday, September 9, 2012

I know Im a human

I'm a human cause overt time i want something i do my best to go get it and to win it, i do get tired but when my self can keep up with me my heart comes out and start pushing me really hard and making my body work 10 times harder, and thats one of the reason I'm a human. My second reason, just because is second doesnt mean that is not important, when i get hit i cry im not made of wood or iron it hurts and i say it proudly but something i can do and a robot cant is learn from my mistakes right away so i can make them over and over again, thats my magic and thats why im a humanl

Thursday, September 6, 2012


It doesn't matter how hard it gets if you really want it you can go and get it. The only thing that can stop you from whatever you want is you, you decide how far you are willing to go, how much effort you wanna put and how much you wanna succeed it doesn't matter how hard it is, good things are never easy and believe me it will pay off at the end. If you think you know a lot you don't, you are always learning more and new things be humble about things you don't know and be willing to let people tell you how and when to do the work. How bad do you want it, its something you need to ask yourself if you are willing to do it or not.